Linux Server Administration from Scratch:Day Three

Welcome on day three of learning Linux Server Administration from scratch.Today we gone install Apache web server
First open up a terminal window and connect to the server via ssh as we've seen before by a simple ssh command:
ssh root@
After you logged in,write these command 
apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc 

Now,when the installation is completed successfully go to your web browser and type or what you've choose when you start these tutorial.Now let discover the files of Apache Server...on a terminal window go to this path /etc/apache2 with a simple cd command,then simple ls command to display files:

- apache2.conf: this file contain the settings of apache server
- mod-enabled: this folder contain the active modules on this Web Server
- site-available: this folder contain the offline websites 
- conf.d :contain other settings
- mod-available: contain the deactivated modules 
- Port.conf: this file is about the opened and closed ports on the web server
- site-enabled: this folder contain the online websites.

Now we've enable some mod,go to the terminal and type 
a2enmod rewrite 
what does it mean?
a2   = apache2
en    = enable
mod = module

and rewrite is the module we want enable it...
we done with apache here,on the next tutorial we'll install other programs on our private webserver,remember that I just want make it simple,so you bring it simple...
