Linux Server Administration from scratch-intro

Hello friends,how you doing?
Today we'll learn something very important for every single web developer,this tutorial is about Webserver Administration.
As you know that most of webserver(probably 75% at least) working with GNU-Linux Distribution(or with other words:Unix-like systems).

But why you've to learn about that?if you are an website developer or web apps developer you've to know how does webserver working,and what is its problem you could face it and got the solution,so this tutorial will help you to do it.

In this tutorial I'll explain on Debian Linux Distribution,why? just for many simple reasons:

1- It's totally free.
2- Great technical support.
3- Thousand of free and opensource program.
4- Easy to use for absolute beginner.

To got a great knowledge base from this tutorial you've to be a Linux user,you don't need to be a professional but every thing you know it'll help you very well.

In this tutorial you need just three thing:
- Computer with good performance running Linux(preferred)
- Oracle VirtualBox(software of making a virtual machine)

Research a tutorial about how to install virtualbox and Debian,for today,it's fine,next day we'll start with the the first course.
I make it simple,so you bring it simple
