Linux Server Administration from Scratch:Day Two

what's guy?how you doing?
I'm so sorry because I stop publishing any thing for along time,I was so busy actually,don't matter,I'm here and I'm back.

lets continue what we begin,Linux Server Administration from scratch.
I think that you install the open-ssh server and client,and make the IP address of the server device static as I show you here.

Today we'll continue the path...
connect to the server system with ssh with this commmand

ssh root@
replace the with the IP you choose,now it'll ask you for a password of the root user,enter it and wait for the work? follow the instruction well bro/sis.

Now we'll install a lot of things,be ready

write this command in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install zip unzip gcc diff wget bzip2 linux-kernal-headers  
that will install some of important application in your server,after this operation you should restart the server.

I think its enough for today,and remember that I'm trying to make it easy to understand,for that I keep lessons short.
see you soon
I make it simple,you bring it simple
